
Have a question about the club,

    click our email link  HERE   >>>>>

Neck Pain



The Sierra Vista Camera Club welcomes anyone with an interest in photography.

Digital or Film, Still or Movie, from Novice to Advanced.




Learn about our

next Outing


Have an idea or suggestion

for an outing?

Tell us HERE

Learn about our next

HandsOn Workshop


For information on one of

the Clubs SIG meetings

Click HERE

Paid members also have use of the club's;  

Digital Negative & Slide film copier, flash equipment etc.

Our Objectives

a. To encourage and promote an interest in all facets of photography.

b. To create an atmosphere to stimulate the advancement of photography as

    a hobby, as an art, as a technological tool.

c. To cultivate friendly relations with other clubs.

d. To encourage participation by youth and beginners by offering instruction,

    photo-exhibits, photo contests, and other means of stimulating participation.

e. To appeal to persons from all walks of life with widely varying interest in


Have a suggestion for a

HandsOn Workshop

Tell us HERE